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Building up quantum spacetimes withBCFT LegoS


时间:2024.12.27 16:00



孔令欣教授 清华大学


摘要Is it possible to read off the quantum gravity dual of a CFT directly from itsoperator algebra? In this essay, we present a step-by-step recipe synthesizing results andtechniques from conformal bootstrap, topological symmetries, tensor networks, a novelsymmetry-preserving real-space renormalization algorithm devised originally in latticemodels, and the asymptotics of quantum 6i symbols, thereby providing an answer in theaffirmative. Quantum 2D Liouville theory serves as a simple and explicit exampleillustrating how the quantum gravitational path integral can be built up from local piecesof BCF'T correlation functions, which we call the `BCFT Legos". The constructive mapbetween gravity and CFT naturally and explicitly bridges local geometrical dataalgebraic structures, and quantum entanglement, as envisaged by the ItfromOubit motto.

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